Publication Type: Conference proceedings

TempLe: Learning Template of Transitions for Sample Efficient Multi-task RL

35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
Yanchao Sun, Xiangyu Yin, Furong Huang
Publisher's website

Are Adversarial Examples Created Equal? A Learnable Weighted Minimax Risk for Robustness under Non-Uniform Attacks

35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021.
Huimin Zeng, Chen Zhu, Tom Goldstein and Furong Huang
Publisher's website

Certifiably Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning against Adversarial Communication

accepted to the Responsible Decision Making in Dynamic Environments Workshop @ICML2022.
Yanchao Sun, Ruijie Zheng, Parisa Hassanzadeh, Yongyuan Liang, Soheil Feizi, Sumitra Ganesh, Furong Huang

Efficient Adversarial Training without Attacking: Worst-Case-Aware Robust Reinforcement Learning

accepted to the Responsible Decision Making in Dynamic Environments Workshop @ICML2022.
Yongyuan Liang, Yanchao Sun, Ruijie Zheng, Furong Huang

Everyone Matters: Customizing the Dynamics of Decision Boundary for Adversarial Robustness

accepted at the ICML workshop for Continuous Time Methods for Machine Learning @ICML2022.
Yuancheng Xu, Yanchao Sun, Furong Huang

Live in the Moment: Learning Dynamics Model Adapted to Evolving Policy

accepted for a spotlight presentation workshop of Decision Awareness in Reinforcement Learning (DARL) @ICML2022.
Xiyao Wang, Wichayaporn Wongkamjan, Furong Huang
Publisher's website

Transfer Fairness under Distribution Shifts

ICLR Workshop on Socially Responsible Machine Learning, @ICLR 2022.
Bang An, Zora Che, Mucong Ding, Furong Huang
Publisher's website

Practical and Fast Momentum-Based Power Methods

2nd Annual Conference on Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research vol 145:1-36, 2021.
Tahseen Rabbani, Apollo Jain, Arjun Rajkumar, Furong Huang
Publisher's website

MaxVA: Fast Adaptation of Stepsizes by Maximizing Observed Variance of Gradients

European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), 2021.
Chen Zhu, Yu Cheng, Zhe Gan, Furong Huang, Jingjing Liu, Tom Goldstein
Publisher's website

Convolutional Tensor-Train LSTM for Spatio-Temporal Learning

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020
Jiahao Su, Wonmin Byeon, Jean Kossaifi, Furong Huang, Jan Kautz, Anima Anandkumar
Publisher's website